
我们热烈地祝贺你 2022届艺术、艺术史、电影专业和辅修班! 当疫情来袭时,你的大学生涯出现了意想不到的转折, 但是你们用创造力来回应, 同情, 勇气, 爱打听别人隐私, 和弹性. 与你一起在社区中学习和创造使我们更加强大. 我们为你的智慧喝彩, 有创意的, 以及你在电子游戏软件整个职业生涯中的个人成就. 


理查德和玛丽安. 马丁纪念奖

In recognition of high academic and 有创意的 achievement in 艺术历史 in this year of 2020. 由波士顿大学艺术之友成立, 该奖项每年颁发一次,以纪念玛丽安. Martin, Professor of 艺术历史 at 电子游戏软件 from 1976-1989, and her husband Richard.




“佩顿·威尔逊对艺术和建筑史充满热情. 在课堂讨论中,她是一个大方而有思想的参与者, 撰写电子游戏正规平台充分、论点缜密的论文, and has demonstrated great flexibility in applying theoretical frameworks across different fields of art history. 她是一个伟大的作家和一个优秀的团队成员, 展现出真正堪称典范的领导才能.”

——艺术史教授Emine Fetvaci




“I was lucky enough to have Xinying  her first semester at BC in my Art of Creativity class when she was a very quiet  freshman . 她对材料的敏感是显而易见的, 虽然她仍然轻声细语 , 她已经成为一个自信的制造者,却丝毫没有失去她那细腻的触觉. 主要加工纤维, 她的艺术作品充分体现了一种超凡的远见 , 渴望用物质世界捕捉那些看不见的和无法捕捉的东西. 我们会想念欣颖,想念她用手思考的美丽能力, 编织梦想, 让我们都注意到细节. 祝贺你,Xinying!"


Allison R. 麦康伯短促,小. 奖

这个奖项 was established and supported by gifts from the Horbach Fund for outstanding work in the Fine Arts in honor of Allison R. 麦康伯短促,小.,电子游戏软件驻校艺术家.




“Annie is a brilliant critical thinker with an eye for the political stakes of art, 尤其是在身份问题上. 她长期参与路易丝·劳勒(Louise Lawler)的工作就是一个很好的例子:如何做到这一点, 她问, 有先进的女权主义挪用和制度批判的实践吗, 像Lawler, 调动幽默来激活和吸引观众? 超出了她作为作家的能力, 然而, what has impressed most over the last few years is Annie’s intellectual generosity in the classroom. 在围绕棘手问题的复杂辩论中,她总是处于领先地位, but she never seeks to win arguments or stifle conversation; rather, 她的目标是在, 推进, 复杂化, 并肯定她同学的立场. 她是一个不折不扣的真正的合作者.”



伊甸园R. 道尔顿


“在一个快速视觉化的时代,  Eden 道尔顿 has shown fearless willingness to experiment which has enabled her to create accomplished works which ask us to go slower, 看起来困难.  Her ambitious series of large paintings on unprimed canvas are sensitive layered compositions which evoke the largeness of the ocean and the tiniest patterns of a vascular system.  Eden’s work ethic and way of being in our art community reflect so many of the ideals of 电子游戏软件. 她以共同利益为导向,乐于助人, 分享资料, to see beyond competition to collaboration has elevated the atmosphere of the Studio Program. A loving and attentive  team player, Eden reminds us that no one becomes an artist alone.  美利马车屋将深深怀念她的存在.”



这个奖项, established by the 电子游戏软件 Arts Council in 2011 to honor Professor Howe’s outstanding service to the Arts at BC, recognizes a 电子游戏软件 senior who has demonstrated outstanding scholarship in the area of art or architectural history.




王一凡是一位艺术和历史哲学家. Over the course of her studies in art history and her service for the Arts Council, Yifan has developed an approach to art historical inquiry that sees art-making as a form of idea-making. Her work impresses for not only the complexity of ideas but also the way in which Yifan grounds her thinking in the most carefully observed formal qualities of the work of art at hand. 王一凡体现了一种融合的感染力, 对艺术和艺术史的热情和高度严肃. She is the ideal recipient of this award founded in honor of Professor Emeritus Jeffrey Howe who was instrumental in founding the Arts Council and whose scholarship was driven by an enduring enthusiasm for art and art history.”



这个奖项 is given in recognition of excellence in cinematography in the 电影电子游戏正规平台 Program.




“During the peer review session of the first edited assignment in the course Working Cinematographer, 在采访录音中加入b-roll, 希拉•巴雷特 submitted a video that had such high production values that I questioned if she actually did the video or if it was a company’s corporate video. 从那以后,我开始期望她也能达到同样的水平.”



这个奖项是为了纪念玛丽。A. 阿姆斯特朗(1948 - 2020), 他在电子游戏软件教了三十年绘画, to recognize a student who has developed an artistic practice of outstanding quality, and who presents the highest level of commitment and personal involvement with his/her work.

Iria Gutierrez-Schieferal肖像

Iria Gutierrez-Schieferal

“Through her rigorous studio art practice combined with her degree in neuroscience, Iria’s ”sophisticated series of paintings embodies what it means to use art to do a deep dive into one’s societal concerns, 审美激情, 个人无意识. Mary Armstrong was a real “painters’ painter” and would be so pleased to see this award being given to Iria who devoted herself this year to understanding the language of paint and how it can be used to manifest some of the deepest unknowns. Iria has shown a dedication to expanding her visual language by looking closely at the work of other artists, 并且花时间磨练她的技艺 . 与Iria合作是一件非常愉快的事情,原因有很多, but her willingness to give and receive criticism with an open heart and a sharp intellect has made her an invaluable member of the senior class. We wish Iria all the best as she begins her graduate work in neuroscience at Georgetown University this fall.



这个奖项 is given in recognition of excellence in screenwriting in the 电影电子游戏正规平台 Program.



“玛丽·C·戴利用热情和力量写出她所知道的东西.  她坚持不懈的工作精神让她的故事出现在每一个草稿上.  毫无疑问,我觉得MC正处于一个惊人的编剧生涯的开始.”




“梅根·施拉格特对动画故事有着非凡的眼光. Her screenplays exemplified the hard work and perseverance of a committed screenwriter.  在过去的两年里,我很荣幸地看到她的手艺越来越好.”



Costa-Gavras, 《电子游戏软件》等具有社会意识电影的导演, 的忏悔, 失踪, 和阿门, has provoked his international audiences to reflect more deeply about issues of social justice. 这个奖项 in his name acknowledges the work of a graduating Senior in 电影电子游戏正规平台 who follows in his footsteps with an original film on an issue of social justice.



“玛丽在我的每门课上都是成绩优异的学生. 除此之外, she has completed two Independent Studies on the political and sociopolitical films of Greek-French director Costa-Gavras.  She has also been a major French connection for the research for the Professors Michalczyk’s forthcoming book with Bloomsbury Publications in London, Costa-Gavras:与历史相遇.”

——电影教授约翰。J. Michalczyk




“罗伯特(博比)克拉克是一个敏锐、聪明、熟练的编辑. 他能讲故事, add the nuances and special effects that take his productions to the next level for everyone's enjoyment. 我知道他有一个光明的未来! Bobby has already shown this with his superior editing skills as Assistant Editor to professional faculty productions.”



这个奖项是为了纪念玛丽。A. 阿姆斯特朗(1948 - 2020), 他在电子游戏软件教了三十年绘画, to recognize a student who has developed an artistic practice of outstanding quality, and who presents the highest level of commitment and personal involvement with his/her work.


Iria Gutierrez-Schieferal

Iria Gutierrez-Schieferal

“Through her rigorous studio art practice combined with her degree in neuroscience, Iria’s ”sophisticated series of paintings embodies what it means to use art to do a deep dive into one’s societal concerns, 审美激情, 个人无意识. Mary Armstrong was a real “painters’ painter” and would be so pleased to see this award being given to Iria who devoted herself this year to understanding the language of paint and how it can be used to manifest some of the deepest unknowns. Iria has shown a dedication to expanding her visual language by looking closely at the work of other artists, 并且花时间磨练她的技艺 . 与Iria合作是一件非常愉快的事情,原因有很多, but her willingness to give and receive criticism with an open heart and a sharp intellect has made her an invaluable member of the senior class. We wish Iria all the best as she begins her graduate work in neuroscience at Georgetown University this fall.
