Clean Room & Nanofabrication Facility

An Open User Facility at Boston College

Open to both Boston College and External Users, 该实验室拥有价值数百万美元的30多个高端微纳米仪器系统.

Comprised of 1,500 square feet of Class 1,000 and Class 10,000 cleanroom spaces, 该实验室使高灵敏度的材料和设备能够在没有污染物的情况下制造. 此外,还有超过2000平方英尺的服务和支持空间. 该实验室由一个空气处理装置支持,每45秒彻底清洁和电子游戏正规平台设施中的所有空气.


  • 1500 sqft of class 1,000 and 10,000 clean room space
  • 2,000sqft of service and support area space
  • 10,000 CFM空气处理机组,每小时换气约75次
  • Room temperature between 65-70°F
  • Relative humidity of 50-60%
  • 18.2 MegOhm deionized water
  • 室内氮气(N2)从液氮中沸腾,35- 45psi
  • Compressed Dry Air (CDA) delivery pressure 90-100 psi
  • 30+ Capital equipment systems

Safe Environment

  • 洁净室内外安全洗眼和安全淋浴
  • 3 exhaust hoods for chemical work.
  • 进入洁净室前需要穿工作服,以保护环境和正在处理的样品. 提供无颗粒蓬松帽,工作服,鞋套,手套和安全眼镜.
  • Face shields, chemical resistant aprons, protective sleeves, 并且为化学工作提供了重型耐化学手套.
  • 所有高压设备至少有一个EMO用于出现问题时的紧急关闭
  • There are no highly toxic gases.

Dedicated Staff

Every user receives training from our staff. 工作人员在那里帮助用户排除故障,并在必要时提供支持.


  • State of the art facility and equipment
  • Perfect for small start-up companies and colleges
  • Easy set-up for new users
  • Cost effective/affordable rates
  • One-on-one training


Equipment and Rates

GeneralInternal Rates
(Boston College)
External Academic Rates
(non profit)
External Commercial
Cleanroom Use$32/hr
Remote Staff Assistance$100/hr$100/hr$100/hr



& Model
Internal RatesExternal Academic RatesExternal Commercial
Scanning Electron MicroscopeJEOL



EDX (on SEM)Oxfordincluded in
SEM rate

included in
SEM rate

included in
SEM rate

Focused Ion Beam SystemJEOL



Nanomanipulation and Electrical Probing
included in
FIB rate
included in
FIB rate
included in
FIB rate


& Model
Internal RatesExternal Academic RatesExternal Commercial
Mask AlignerKari Suss MA6--



E-Beam Writer (on SEM)Nabity$44/hr



Resist Spinner Fume Hood

Reynolds Tech





Resist Spinner (2)

Brewer Science

Cee 100

Resist SpinnerLaurell WS-400E--



Hot Plates (2)--------
Photoresist Stabilization SystemOptical Associates PL-16-100 UV------
Thermal Scanning Probe Lithography (t-SPL) system

Heidelberg Instruments

Nanofrazor Scholar

Direct Write Maskless Aligner

Heidelberg Instruments 



*If the Heidelberg Nanofrazor Scholar 是否用于数据收集,后来用于任何出版物,海报或演示文稿等., 请务必以以下声明的方式感谢美国国家科学基金会的支持:“本[出版物/演讲/海报]中报道的电子游戏正规平台得到了美国国家科学基金会核磁共振项目的支持,奖励号为1S10OD026910-01A1.”2117711"; Principal Investigator: Kenneth, Burch

& Model
Internal RatesExternal Academic RatesExternal Commercial
Sputter Deposition SystemAJA International
Orion 8
Benchtop Sputter DepositionAnatech Hummer 6.6$10/run$10/run$25/run
Atomic Layer DepositionUltratech$15/hr$15/hr$50/hr
E-Beam Deposition SystemKurt J. LeskerPVD-75$35/run$40/run$75/run
Thermal EvaporatorKurt J. LeskerPVD-75$10/hr$10/hr$45/hr
Sputter Deposition SystemKurt J. LeskerPVD-75$35/run$35/run$75/run
Vesaline LL
E-Beam/Thermal EvaporatorSharon Vacuum$35/hr$40/hr$75/hr
Electroplating SystemReynolds Tech------
Atomic Layer
Deposition System
ALD System
& Model
Internal RatesExternal Academic RatesExternal Commercial Rates
Optical Microscope
(High Power)
Optical Microscope
(Low Power)
Carl Zeiss, Inc.------
ReflectometerMission Peak Optics MP100-S------
Surface ProfilometerVeeco 
Dektak 150
Spectroscopic EllipsometerJ.A.WoollamVertical VASE------
& Model
Internal RatesExternal Academic RatesExternal Commercial Rates
ICP RIEPlasma-ThermVersaline LL ICP$40/hr$40/hr$95/hr
Acid Etching Fume HoodReynolds Tech
UV-Ozone StripperSamco UV-1------
Microwave Plasma EtchPVATePla PS-210------
XeF2 Etch SystemXACTIX X-SYS-
EXP Xetch
& Model
Internal RatesExternal Academic RatesExternal Commercial Rates
Solvent Cleaning Fume HoodReynolds Tech
Critical Point DryerTousimis
& Model
Internal RatesExternal Academic RatesExternal Commercial Rates
Atmospheric FurnaceLindberg/Blue M 3-Zone Tube Furnace STF55666C$15/hr$20/hr$50/hr
Oven, general purpose (2)--------
Vacuum Oven (2)--------
Rapid Thermal ProcessorAllwin21 RTP 
& Model
Internal RatesExternal Academic RatesExternal Commercial Rates
Bead BlasterEconoline Abrasive Blasting Cabinet$15/hr$15/hr$40/hr
Dicing SawDiscoUSA
Diamond Wheel SawSouth Bay TechModel 650------
Wire BonderWest-Bond
Model 747630E
& Model
Internal RatesExternal Academic RatesExternal Commercial Rates
RF LCR MeterAgilent 4287A------
Probe/Test StationCascade Microtech M150------
Four Point Probe StationJandel

Frequently Asked Questions


Examples of Work Being Done in the Facility

局部屏蔽对多电极阵列串扰的抑制, J.R. Naughton, J.A. Varela, T.J. Connolly, S. Shepard, T.E. Dodge, K.Kempa, M.J. Burns, J.P. Christianson, and M. J. Naughton, Frontiers in Nanotechnology.DOI:10.3389/fnano.2022.84337.

用EQCM - D原位探测水和非水锌电解质中固体电解质界面的质量交换, Saida Cora, Suzalmurni Ahmad和Niya Sa, ACS应用材料公司 & Interfaces 2021 13 (8),10131-10140 DOI: 10.1021/acsami.1c00565.

纳米等离子体天线无线通信系统, J. Merlo, N. Nesbit, Yitzi Calm, A. Rose, L. D’Imperio, C. Yang, J. Naughton, K. Kempa, M. J.  Naughton, Scientific Reports 6.31710 DOI: 10.1038/srep 31710 (2016).

液滴n- seq结合微流体和n- seq鉴定复杂的单细胞表型, D. Thibault, S. Wood, P. Jensen, T. van Opijnen, bioRxiv, DOI: 10.1101/391045 (2018).

氢键控制电催化CO还原反应的产物选择性, J. Li, X. Li, C. Gunathunge, M. Waegele, PNAS, DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1900761116 (2019).

Nanocoax-based electrochemical sensor, B. Rizal, M. Archibald, T. Connolly, S. Shepard, M.J. Burns, T.C Chiles, M.J. Naughton, Analytical Chemistry, DOI: 10.1021/ac402411x (2013).

全溶液处理微/纳米线,用电镀焊接作为透明导电电极, C. Yang, J. Merlo, L. D’Imperio, A. Rose, Y. Calm, B. Han, J. Gao, G. Zhou, M. Burns, K. Kempa, M.J. Naughton, Physica Status Solidi-Rapid Research Letter. DOI: 10.1002/pssr.201900010 (2019).

Arrays of electrically-addressable, 独立的光传输三维纳米结构, flexible polymer films, L. D’Imperio, A. McCrossan, J. Naughton, J. Merlo, Y. Calm, M. Burns, M.J. Naughton, Flexible Printed Electronics, DOI: 10.1088/2058-8585/aac8fc (2018).

使用碳纳米管抗体微阵列,捕获无标记的乳腺癌细胞, Farhad Khosravi, et al, Nanotechnology, DOI: 0.1088/0957-4484/27/13/13LT02 (2016).

Cuddalorepatta, G. K., van Rees, W. M., Li, H., Pantuso, D.,Mahadevan L.M. & Vlassak, J.J.,独立超薄膜的泊松比和残余应变, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids.

Cuddalorepatta, G. K., Li, H., Pantuso, D., & Vlassak, J.J. “独立超薄膜应力-应变行为的测量”,材料,卷. 9,100502, 2020.

Cuddalorepatta, G. K., Sim, G., Li, H., Pantuso, D., & Vlassak, J.J. “独立超薄膜的残余应力驱动测试技术:弹性行为和残余应变”,材料电子游戏正规平台杂志, 34(20), 3474-3482, 2019.


Nanofabrication & Cleanroom Facility
Chris Gunderson
Boston College
245 Beacon St.
Room #005 C
Chestnut Hill, MA 02467

617 552 0049